Planet Calypso

This page displays all Planet Calypso versions from CNET
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All Planet Calypso versions from CNET sources and versions

Planet Calypso

  • OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
  • Version:
  • File size: 9.76MB
  • Date Added: 2013-06-07
Download Planet Calypso Planet Calypso

Planet Calypso Description

Planet Calypso is a completely unique sandbox MMORPG with a real economy. Set in the future, you are invited to join an open-ended social, economic and political action-adventure as a human colonist on a distant alien planet. The sandbox approach allows you to choose your own path and write a unique story with others from around the world. You will enter a new chapter in Calypso's story. After an exhausting five year conflict with an invading robot enemy, the long awaited promise of peace and prosperity on Calypso remains elusive. With the robots repelled to their home world Akbal-Cimi, cracks in colonist solidarity are emerging. The war-time economy has produced industrialists with the resources to buy up Calypso's precious land, while disgruntled ex-soldiers are left to wander Calypso, hunting and mining for their survival. A rising middle-class of entrepreneurs is irritating both. All are disillusioned with Earth's Federal Empire that left the colony to fend for itself during the robot war. You will land on a Calypso with revolution and civil war in the air. Have you got what it takes to stake a claim on Calypso? What's new in this version: Version may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes. �.You can free download Planet Calypso from CNET now.
Source: CNET

Planet Calypso

  • OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
  • Version:
  • File size: 9.76MB
  • Date Added: 2013-06-07
Download Planet Calypso Planet Calypso

Planet Calypso Description

Planet Calypso is a completely unique sandbox MMORPG with a real economy. Set in the future, you are invited to join an open-ended social, economic and political action-adventure as a human colonist on a distant alien planet. The sandbox approach allows you to choose your own path and write a unique story with others from around the world. You will enter a new chapter in Calypso's story. After an exhausting five year conflict with an invading robot enemy, the long awaited promise of peace and prosperity on Calypso remains elusive. With the robots repelled to their home world Akbal-Cimi, cracks in colonist solidarity are emerging. The war-time economy has produced industrialists with the resources to buy up Calypso's precious land, while disgruntled ex-soldiers are left to wander Calypso, hunting and mining for their survival. A rising middle-class of entrepreneurs is irritating both. All are disillusioned with Earth's Federal Empire that left the colony to fend for itself during the robot war. You will land on a Calypso with revolution and civil war in the air. Have you got what it takes to stake a claim on Calypso? What's new in this version: Version may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes. �.You can free download Planet Calypso from CNET now.
Source: CNET

Planet Calypso

  • OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
  • Version:
  • File size: 9.76MB
  • Date Added: 2013-05-07
Download Planet Calypso Planet Calypso

Planet Calypso Description

Planet Calypso is a completely unique sandbox MMORPG with a real economy. Set in the future, you are invited to join an open-ended social, economic and political action-adventure as a human colonist on a distant alien planet. The sandbox approach allows you to choose your own path and write a unique story with others from around the world. You will enter a new chapter in Calypso's story. After an exhausting five year conflict with an invading robot enemy, the long awaited promise of peace and prosperity on Calypso remains elusive. With the robots repelled to their home world Akbal-Cimi, cracks in colonist solidarity are emerging. The war-time economy has produced industrialists with the resources to buy up Calypso's precious land, while disgruntled ex-soldiers are left to wander Calypso, hunting and mining for their survival. A rising middle-class of entrepreneurs is irritating both. All are disillusioned with Earth's Federal Empire that left the colony to fend for itself during the robot war. You will land on a Calypso with revolution and civil war in the air. Have you got what it takes to stake a claim on Calypso? What's new in this version: Version may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes. �.You can free download Planet Calypso from CNET now.
Source: CNET

Planet Calypso

  • OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
  • Version:
  • File size: 9.76MB
  • Date Added: 2013-05-07
Download Planet Calypso Planet Calypso

Planet Calypso Description

Planet Calypso is a completely unique sandbox MMORPG with a real economy. Set in the future, you are invited to join an open-ended social, economic and political action-adventure as a human colonist on a distant alien planet. The sandbox approach allows you to choose your own path and write a unique story with others from around the world. You will enter a new chapter in Calypso's story. After an exhausting five year conflict with an invading robot enemy, the long awaited promise of peace and prosperity on Calypso remains elusive. With the robots repelled to their home world Akbal-Cimi, cracks in colonist solidarity are emerging. The war-time economy has produced industrialists with the resources to buy up Calypso's precious land, while disgruntled ex-soldiers are left to wander Calypso, hunting and mining for their survival. A rising middle-class of entrepreneurs is irritating both. All are disillusioned with Earth's Federal Empire that left the colony to fend for itself during the robot war. You will land on a Calypso with revolution and civil war in the air. Have you got what it takes to stake a claim on Calypso? What's new in this version: Version may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes. �.You can free download Planet Calypso from CNET now.
Source: CNET

Planet Calypso

  • OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
  • Version:
  • File size: 9.76MB
  • Date Added: 2013-05-07
Download Planet Calypso Planet Calypso

Planet Calypso Description

Planet Calypso is a completely unique sandbox MMORPG with a real economy. Set in the future, you are invited to join an open-ended social, economic and political action-adventure as a human colonist on a distant alien planet. The sandbox approach allows you to choose your own path and write a unique story with others from around the world. You will enter a new chapter in Calypso's story. After an exhausting five year conflict with an invading robot enemy, the long awaited promise of peace and prosperity on Calypso remains elusive. With the robots repelled to their home world Akbal-Cimi, cracks in colonist solidarity are emerging. The war-time economy has produced industrialists with the resources to buy up Calypso's precious land, while disgruntled ex-soldiers are left to wander Calypso, hunting and mining for their survival. A rising middle-class of entrepreneurs is irritating both. All are disillusioned with Earth's Federal Empire that left the colony to fend for itself during the robot war. You will land on a Calypso with revolution and civil war in the air. Have you got what it takes to stake a claim on Calypso? What's new in this version: Version may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes. �.You can free download Planet Calypso from CNET now.
Source: CNET

Planet Calypso

  • OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
  • Version:
  • File size: 9.76MB
  • Date Added: 2013-05-07
Download Planet Calypso Planet Calypso

Planet Calypso Description

Planet Calypso is a completely unique sandbox MMORPG with a real economy. Set in the future, you are invited to join an open-ended social, economic and political action-adventure as a human colonist on a distant alien planet. The sandbox approach allows you to choose your own path and write a unique story with others from around the world. You will enter a new chapter in Calypso's story. After an exhausting five year conflict with an invading robot enemy, the long awaited promise of peace and prosperity on Calypso remains elusive. With the robots repelled to their home world Akbal-Cimi, cracks in colonist solidarity are emerging. The war-time economy has produced industrialists with the resources to buy up Calypso's precious land, while disgruntled ex-soldiers are left to wander Calypso, hunting and mining for their survival. A rising middle-class of entrepreneurs is irritating both. All are disillusioned with Earth's Federal Empire that left the colony to fend for itself during the robot war. You will land on a Calypso with revolution and civil war in the air. Have you got what it takes to stake a claim on Calypso? What's new in this version: Version may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes. �.You can free download Planet Calypso from CNET now.
Source: CNET

Planet Calypso

  • OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
  • Version:
  • File size: 9.76MB
  • Date Added: 2013-04-07
Download Planet Calypso Planet Calypso

Planet Calypso Description

Planet Calypso is a completely unique sandbox MMORPG with a real economy. Set in the future, you are invited to join an open-ended social, economic and political action-adventure as a human colonist on a distant alien planet. The sandbox approach allows you to choose your own path and write a unique story with others from around the world. You will enter a new chapter in Calypso's story. After an exhausting five year conflict with an invading robot enemy, the long awaited promise of peace and prosperity on Calypso remains elusive. With the robots repelled to their home world Akbal-Cimi, cracks in colonist solidarity are emerging. The war-time economy has produced industrialists with the resources to buy up Calypso's precious land, while disgruntled ex-soldiers are left to wander Calypso, hunting and mining for their survival. A rising middle-class of entrepreneurs is irritating both. All are disillusioned with Earth's Federal Empire that left the colony to fend for itself during the robot war. You will land on a Calypso with revolution and civil war in the air. Have you got what it takes to stake a claim on Calypso? What's new in this version: Version may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes. �.You can free download Planet Calypso from CNET now.
Source: CNET

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Planet Calypso


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